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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Apple/Macintosh Computer

Apple/Macintosh Computer Apple/Macintosh Computer
Apple/Macintosh Computer are manufactures by Apple company.
The Apple Computers have their own software and hardware and different from IBM computers.
Most of the desktop Publishing houses use Apple/Macintosh Computer because they have high quality graphics.

IBM Compatible

IBM CompatibleIBM Compatible
IBM Compatible has the same functional characteristics and principles of IBM PC.
IBM Compatible are cheaper and their parts are easily available in the market.Most of the microcomputers used in Nepal are compatibles.

IBM PC(International Business Machine Personal Computer)

IBM PC(International Business Machine Personal Computer)IBM PC(International Business Machine Personal Computer)
International Business Machine Personal Computer are manufacture by IBM Company.
IBM manufacture mainframe computers followed by minicomputers and microcomputers.
The microcomputer manufacture by IBM Company is called as International Business Machine Personal Computer (IBM PC).International Business Machine Personal Computer are more reliable, durable and have better quality.

PS/2(Personal System-2) Computer

PS/2(Personal System-2) Computer
Personal System-2 Computer uses refined architecture and faster than advance technology computers.
Personal System-2 Computer is a laptop computer with rechargeable and battery based system.Personal System-2 Computer is operated with OS/2 operating system.

AT(Advance Technology) Computer

AT(Advance Technology) Computer
Advance Technology Computer has 80286 or more advance microprocessor and faster then extend technology computers.
Advance Technology) Computer supports GUI based operating system and applications.

XT(Extend Technology) Computer

XT(Extend Technology) Computer XT(Extend Technology) Computer
Extend Technology Computer has 8086 or 8088 microprocessor.Extend Technology Computer processing speed is 4.7 MHz and cannot support GUI(Graphic User Interface) based OS.

Micro computer

Micro computer Micro computer
Microcomputer has its CPU on one microprocessor .
Micro computer is a single-user machine that is only user can work at a time.
Micro computer can be connected in network for communicating and sharing data. Micro computer are available in verities sizes like the desktop, laptop palmtop etc.
Micro computer used in offices, homes, schools, shops to perform different data processing jobs.For Example IBM PCs, Apple Macintosh etc.

Mini Computer

Mini Computer   Larger and more powerful than most microcomputers but are smaller and less powerful than mainframe computer systems. Mini Computer   multi-user computers and supports more than dozens of people at a time. Mini Computer Used university, large business organization to process complex data. For Example PDP-11, VAX etc. Mini Computer
Larger and more powerful than most microcomputers but are smaller and less powerful than mainframe computer systems.
Mini Computer
multi-user computers and supports more than dozens of people at a time.
Mini Computer Used university, large business organization to process complex data.For Example PDP-11, VAX etc.

Mainframe Computer

Mainframe Computer  Mainframe Computer
powerful multi-user computer used in large business organization, examination, industries and defense to process complex data.
Mainframe Computer uses several CPU for data processing.
Mainframe Computer More than 100 user can use at a time.
Mainframe Computer has extensive processing, storage and input/output capabilities. Mainframe Computer can handle a large number of records and huge data processing tasks. Therefore Mainframe Computer are generally used in Credit card processing, Air traffic control system tec.
For Example IBM S/390, ICL 39, ICL 2950/10, IBM 1401 etc.

Super Computer

Super Computer
Super computer contain several process which work together to make immensely powerful and fast.
Super computer Used to the weather and global climates, in military research and defense system.
Super computer Used to seismography, plasma and nuclear research, in encrypting and decoding sensitive intelligence information.
super computer used hundred of processor, and support parallel processing. Therefore, they have a very high processing speed.
The Storage capacity of super computers is extra-ordinarily large because of the high speed hard disk and magnetic tape.For Example Cray X-MP . Cray 1, Cray T90, NEC Super SXII, Cyber 205 etc.

Hybrid Computer

Hybrid Computer  Hybrid Computer
Hybrid Computers are computer that comprise feature of analog computer and digital computers.
The digital component normally serves the controller and provides logical operations, while the analog component normally serves as a solver of differential equations.
For Example Computers used in ICU of the hospital, jet plane etc.

Digital Computer

Digital Computer  Digital Computer
Digital computers work upon discontinuous data.
Digital computers work on binary digits 0 and 1
Two types of digital computers:
Special Purpose Computer-Digital Clock, Calculator General Purpose Computer- Personal computer in lab

Analog Computer

Add ImageAnalog Computer
Analog Computer
Analog computer work upon continuous data.
Analog computers measure physical magnitudes such as voltage, temperature, current and pressure.For Example Thermometer, Speedometer etc.

Type of the computer

Type of the computer

computers are classified according to their application, work, size, capacity, speed, brand, model etc.
1) Classification based on Work
a) Analog computer
b) Digital computer
2) Classification based on the Size
a) Super computer
b) Mainframe computer
c) Minicomputer
d) Microcomputer
3) Classification based on Model
a) XT(Extended Technology ) Computer
b) AT(Advance Technology ) Computer
c) PS/2(Personal System-2 ) computer
4) Classification based on Brand
a) IBM PC (International Business Machine Personal computer)
b) IBM Compatible
c) Apple/Macintosh Computer